Author: admin

President’s vs Chairmans XI – 15 October 2016

As tradition dictates, the first club match of the Groot Drak season is the Presidents vs Chairmans 11. On the morning of the 15th of October, long standing senior club members Bruce Taylor, Morne Landman and Pierre Fourie selected an evenly balanced team from the 22 players that made themselves available. The Chairman’s team batted first, Gary Seaman top scoring with 25 and supported by a blistering 20 not out by Philip Lotter who certainly was a very different athlete compared to his Evil twin whom came on tour to Graff Reinet the week before! 

There were some great catches in the outfield and some absolute dollies palmed to the ground as everyone worked off the winter rust. When the slightly more senior Presidents line up padded up they were faced with just 143 for the win. But 4 wickets falling in fairly quick succession had the changing room running around like headless chickens! The middle order ship steadied as Jonathan Boulton prodded a painful 26 off 53 not out all the time encouraging the match wining innings of 33 off 44 balls by Gert Uys, that built the foundation for a very sweet victory. 

Fines afterwards were swift and merciless, and as always was most entertaining and it was fantastic to see so many new faces keen to be part of the Groot Drak family. This only bodes well for a fantastic season. Thanks to all the behind the scenes hard work, Robbie “the Freight train” Frater for getting the pool squared up so quickly for the kids, Morne Land Man for selecting, scoring, umpiring and making sure eveyone wore their Duck hats, Team Captain Bruce Taylor for all his organising, Vitalis for a magnificent pitch and to all the Committee members and Players